Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that encourages the body's own self-regulating mechanisms (homeostasis), already present in you, to kick in. It naturally supports your body in its constant effort to maintain its balance. As useful in prevention as a treatment, acupuncture supports your natural defences against many health problems.
learn moreAcupuncture relieves physical and emotional symptoms caused by stress or anxiety. The treatments allow for a state of regenerative relaxation and the secretion of hormones that regulate mood and decrease pain (such as endorphins).
A better connection with oneself, an ability to step back when necessary, a decrease in physical discomfort and a better ability to adapt are common effects of treatment.
learn moreThese treatments are used by those who want a healthy and natural therapy to optimize the appearance of their skin, firm it up and give it back its natural glow.
From the very first treatment, you will notice improvements such as a reduction in wrinkles and facial lines, improved skin elasticity, better muscle tone and shrinking of the skin pores.
learn moreI help people who have lost the ability to live their daily lives as they wish, whether it is due to a physical, emotional or mental imbalance. My job is to help you regain your balance. On all levels.
I am committed to offering the greatest possible relief through Chinese medicine, by reducing your pain and offering solutions and tools that will support your mind-body balance. I believe that everyone is the master of her or his own health, which is why I share Qigong exercises and lifestyle recommendations that will help you prevent your pain and strengthen your emotional stability.
I have a strong interest not only in the treatment of disorders of psychological nature, such as depression, stress and anxiety, but also of physical nature such as pain, menstrual disorders, fatigue and exhaustion. I see the therapeutic relationship as an essential part of the healing process.
That's why I focus on what's bothering you in a safe space, where you are free to open up, or not. I offer a place of listening, understanding and non-judgment where you can truly unwind. I want this to be a time that is 100% dedicated to you. Together, we will seek to find your own sustainable living ecosystem that will keep you grounded. And live in harmony with yourself.
I look forward to supporting you in your greater well-being!
Your acupuncturist
I'm Carolanne
Chinese medicine is part of my daily life. I was immediately fascinated by this model of thinking that encompasses nature, humans, and their interactions. I have been practising Qigong and BaguaZhang since 2018 as a way to nurture a healthy lifestyle. These physical exercises help me to better understand my own body and to recharge my batteries.
I am trained in Tuina. It is a Chinese manual therapy, and I use it to accentuate and deepen the work done in acupuncture. I have also developed skills in Chinese cranio-sacral therapy, a deep and gentle manipulation of tissues and meridians. All these techniques characterize my practice today and are all used during my acupuncture treatments, in order to better rebalance the person in his or her globality.
Come and meet me to discover the benefits of Chinese medicine!
3 services to consider all the needs of the body:
A therapy that activates the body's regulatory mechanisms so that it regains its optimal balance.
Acupuncture treatment focused on improving the appearance of the face. Treatment includes Gua Sha massage, cupping and microcurrent therapy. Natural therapy known for its effectiveness and quick results.
Therapeutic massage that takes into account the acupuncture points and energy channels (meridians) to tonify and circulate the body's energy while releasing tension.